Care Flights

Support for those doing it tough

Aviation by its very nature, brings people together. Uplift In Kind has repatriated people stuck in foreign lands. Has flown those in need of medical treatments and brings families together with the help of its aviation partners. Reconnecting those in need is at the very heart of what we do.

Care Flights


Heart Kids Otago reached out to Uplift in Kind to help a family separated due to a medical emergency. With a baby needing open heart surgery just days into its life, the newborn and parents were in Auckland from mid-December to February, with two other young children having to be left in the care of family and friends in Dunedin. Jetstar were approached to see if they could help, They were on board straight away after hearing about the family’s plight. Thanks to their wonderful generosity, the kids were reunited with Mum, Dad, and new little brother in Auckland.

Care Flights

Cambodia Repatriation

In conjunction with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade, Uplift in Kind helped repatriate seven Covid stricken Kiwi citizens from Cambodia at the height of the pandemic.

Register for a Care Flight

Have you or your family suffered some hardship and need assistance? Please submit an application so that we can learn more about you or someone you know.

Our family are already members of: (select all that apply)
Please add your charity coordinator's name and contact details (if applicable):